Here is the Newest Commissioned painting. I just grabbed this short video for you to enjoy before it gets picked up.
This was a joy to create! Did you know we showed cattle too? Once upon a time, my husband and I were on the front range between Denver and Greeley CO. We had a small ranch by Texas standards - a 168 acre irrigated farm. Deb and Dene = DD Ranch.
We bought the place way back in 1998? I think. It was an investment that allowed us to retire at the time of sale. During the 20 years we owned the ranch we ran Registered American Galloway Cattle (the AGBA is the breed association.) We were DD Ranch Galloway Cattle. We started with the White Galloway and eventually expanded into black and other colors. The Galloway breed kept it’s color patterns (unlike Angus - that got rid of the reds that would surface.)
I became a 4-H kid and learned to show cattle at 37 years of age. All the hair cuts, cattle blowers and fitting products too. I always laughed that the cattle had more hair treatments then I ever had. I had shown my horse years before that - in halter class. Square them up and get out of the judges way. So, cattle were much the same.
Galloways had long hair coat in the winter and shed in the summer. So, all the hair was cut and sculpted to make the best looking cow you could. We still have the show banners hanging in the office and show coats. What to do with the individual class ribbons is anyone’s guess - I have a whole box full.
Fun Memories for certain! It seems like another lifetime ago. We sold the Ranch, moved to Mesilla / Las Cruces, NM. This is when I started my way into my Art Adventures and began to paint. I published my first book “Meander Mesilla” with all of the paintings I did up and down the whole Mesilla Valley (from Hatch, NM to El Paso, TX.) The book covers my back story and cattle, rv and other adventures - like moving to Denver in the first place. Grab a paperback or e-book for fun!
If you would like a commissioned painting of your own, I would love to visit with you about it! Leave me a message.